The Hidden Almanac Wiki

The Hidden Almanac for
Friday August 4th, 2017
Episode 604
The Hidden Almanac
Previous episode: 2017-08-02
Next episode: 2017-08-07


It was on this day that a professor of the Ravencoast School of Divinity was reunited with his lost collegue. And an undead turkey. Be Safe, and Remember: You Are Not Alone.


Mord: Welcome to the Hidden Almanac, I’m Reverend Mord. Today is August 4th 2017.

It was on this day that a professor from the Ravencoast School of Divinity, having penetrated the outer defenses of the [[Thanatopic Embassy]], breached –

Drom: Mord, you made it!

Mord: Indeed. It is my belief that you are in grave danger, Drom. Where is Gurthnak the Shredder?

Drom: Oh, he'll be back in a minute. Woo. Let me introduce you to everybody! This is Phil's Turkey. I mean, well formally Phil's Turkey. He’s his own Turkey now. I guess: a free agent, a turkey ronin, beholden to no one, selling his voting machine tampering skills to the highest bidder.

Turkey: (gobbles)

Mord: That Turkey is not alive, Drom.

Drom: Don't get weird on me, Mord. Lots of people aren't alive. Like 99 point something or other 9 of people who've ever lived anren’t alive anymore! When you get right down to it, pretty much everybody’s dead.

Mord: A philosophy that would reduce one's existence to a statistical rounding error. I do not subscribe to it.

Drom: Fine, but you're a historian. Dead people are your jam!

Turkey: (gobbles)

Drom: No! Bad Turkey, no pecking! I know, he shouldn't have said that in that judgmental tone still, we don't solve our problems with pecking!

Turkey: (gobbles)

Drom: Now, apologize.

Turkey: (questioning gobble)

Drom: No, not you, Mord - Apologize to the Turkey.

Mord: I - No, we do not have time for this. We must leave before Gurthnak the Shredder returns

Drom: Mord, we are not going anywhere until you apologize to this Turkey

Mord: Turkey who formerly belonged to Phil, I apologize for my tone. Your undeath is your own affair.

Turkey: (Acknowledging gobble)

Mord: Now, Drom, where is Gurthnak the Shredder?

Drom: Well, he had to step out. Someone was trying to break into the embassy, I guess.

Mord: Shocking.

Drom: I know, right? What did the door's like right there?

Mord: Drom. I was the one who broke into the embassy.

Drom: Yeah? I see. Hmm....

Mord: You see the reason that we must leave.

Drom: Okay. This is very, very important, Mord, did you bring the potato chips?

Mord: Yes.

Drom: Woo. I've got amazing lineup. Did you know that Gurthnak has never seen anime,

Mord: Nor have I. What of it?

Drom: Ooh.

Mord: The Hidden Almanac is brought to you by Red Wombat Resistance Company, purveyors of fine and revolutionary teas. Red Wombat --- “Fight the Power.”

Drom: The Hidden Almanac will be on hiatus for two weeks while the interns are on vacation and I introduce Mord to the wonders of magical girl anime! We'll see you guys on the other side.

Mord: (Sigh)

Mord: And that's the Hidden Almanac for August 4th 2017. Be safe and remember, you are not alone. Drom: Now put on this tiara!


Out of character

The Hidden Almanac is a production of Dark Canvas Media, and is written by Ursula Vernon and produced by Kevin Sonney. The voice of Reverend Mord is Kevin Sonney. And the voice of Pastor Drom is Ursula Vernon. Our intro music is Moon Valley and our exit music is Red in Black, both by Kosta T. You can hear more from Kosta T at the Free Music Archive. All other content is copyright 2013 through 2017, Ursula Vernon. Woo!


